Sault Tribe Board Meeting February 12, 2024 Wrap-Up.

March 14, 2024.   Sault Tribe Board of Directors Meeting*.  Wrap-Up . 

Members have spoken yet Betty refuses to hear it...we purposely did not publish the information earlier about the fact that Betty and others on the Board believed she has the right to name the Sugar Island Property purchased by the Tribe because we thought that the fact that she believed she had the right to pick out a new name for the property was insane. AND that was before we knew the history of the property.   While nobody had anything bad to say about the man Betty wants to name the property after, the Tribal Members that live on Sugar Island with a longtime history with the Pow Wow held on this property managed to convince the board to table the resolution.  

The Tribe has transferred ownership of Indian Energy to Sault Tribe E D C with the goal to be make Indian Energy more accountable.  To date the tribe refuses to provide members a copy of the contract or income statement. However during this meeting the board reported there has been no return on this investment. One of the tribal members that benefited from this investment did provide a tax deductible donation to the food bank in his name, so we presume he is getting paid.   Indian Energy $2.5 Million Investment.

Sault Tribe Board Meeting* February 12, 2024.   

Meeting Resolutions*    *The website links to the tribes meetings and website may be removed at a later date by the tribe.

First Nations Journalism Standards: ALL PEOPLE are equal in the eyes of God our Creator.  We purposely do not publish full names because those that need to know.... know.     

First Nations .
