About Us
The Sault Tribe Guardian is an independent source of news for and about the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians for Enrolled Tribal Members along with First Nations National News and other lifestyle content that may be of interest to Tribal Members.

The tribe defines their seven-county service area as the following counties in the state of Michigan:
- Alger, Chippewa, Delta, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette, and Schoolcraft. However the majority of the tribe lives outside those counties.
The tribe's headquarters are located in Sault Ste Marie Michigan. Satellite Offices are located in Escanaba, Hessel, Manistique, Marquette, Munising, Newberry, and St. Ignace which have both administrative offices and health clinics.
The Sault Tribe Guardian was started in 2022 to advocate for the following changes:
- We wanted the rolls to be open to all being denied their rights to membership. The rolls are now open.
- We advocate for the end of discrimination against Tribal Members living outside the seven-county service area. We believe all Tribal Members should have the same services and benefits provided to them by our tribe as is provided to the members living in the seven-county service area. The Youth Development Fund is one of the best examples of the discrimination that we seek to change.
- We want to end what we view as Violations of Article III By-Laws of the Sault Tribe Constitution by the Tribal Board.
ARTICLE III By-Laws can be found on page 11 TRIBAL RECORDS Sault Tribe Constitution
SECTION 1. ALL BOOKS, RECORDS AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS OF THE SAULT STE. MARIE TRIBE OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS, INCLUDING THE TRIBAL ROLL, SHALL BE OPEN TO INSPECTION BY TRIBAL MEMBERS UPON REASONABLE REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. - We believe providing all information to our members as allowed in ARTICLE III will result in the ability to work together to prosper while withholding this information leads to lack of trust, opens to doors to corruption, and most importantly does not honor those members that wrote the constitution.