Tribal Board approves Resolution to allow Tribal Employees to work remotely.

January 18, 2023. The Tribal Board approved a plan to allow the Tribe's Employees the opportunity to work remotely on occasion if their job duties can be performed from home. At least one employee is the Judicial Branch may be working full time from home, but in general this resolution is meant to allow schedule flexibility, an increase in productivity and reduce the spread of viruses by allowing those that believe they have a contagious illness but feel they can still perform their duties to do so from home.     

It is believed that for a few key positions the ability to work remotely may attract qualified Tribal Members to consider working for their tribe.  Unfortunately, the majority of the current job openings do not appear to be jobs that can be performed remotely.  

The details of how this will work are going to be different for each department and will be shared with employees in the coming days.

Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians Job Openings.

