Sault Ste Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Tribal Member Nichole Pearson Black appointed Secretary Treasurer for the Southwest Tribal Fisheries Commission.

November 10, 2022.  Nichole Pearson Black a Sault Ste Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Tribal Member and an employee of the Southern Ute Tribe was appointed the Secretary Treasurer for the Southwest Tribal Fisheries Commission.  Nichole replaces Steve Whiteman, the long-time and, to-date, only, Secretary Treasurer when Steve moved on to California, to be closer to his family.  

The Southwest Tribal Fisheries Commission (SWTFC) was formed in April 2002 in response to the closure of the Mescalero National Fish Hatchery (NFH) and the chronic erosion of funding and maintenance at the Alchesay and Williams Creek NFH complex located on the White Mountain Apache tribal lands in Arizona.  Unlike other fisheries commissions focused on fulfillment of federal treaty obligations, such as the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission and Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Commission, the SWTFC is a coalition of tribes in the southwest which seeks to assist tribal fisheries programs by providing technical skills and support needed to move good ideas and projects from the conceptual phase to reality.

Fishery resources are culturally and economically important to Southwestern Tribes.  Although diverse in terms of their actual resources and needs, all SWTFC member Tribes share a common goal of moving toward self-determination and self-sufficiency through development or enhancement of sustainable recreational and native fisheries. Some fisheries programs are well developed while others need support or technical resources to realize their potential.  Tribes often have a specific vision of their fisheries management but need additional support and technical assistance to achieve that vision.  All are committed to responsible and professional stewardship of these resources.

Southwest Tribal Fisheries Commission.  

