May 4, 2023.
While we don't know most of the parties involved in this latest election drama we have found Katelynn Griffin to be a professional employee dedicated to the tribe. We find it unlikely that she did anything intentionally to influence this election.
Unofficial results of March 20, 2023 Unit I Special Advisory Election are as follows:
Joanne Pavlat-Carr: 1032
Sheila Berger: 653
Nichole Causley: 646
As a result of this election controversy Jo Ann has not been officially sworn in and we are short one board member. The flyer above posted as part of this story was found on social media and the details listed help explain the tension in the May 2 Board Meeting.
The May 2 meeting is an example of the need for Tribal Members to attend on Zoom to best understand the issues the board is dealing with, while also demonstrating why the meetings should not be on social media. The resolutions, voting records listing which passed and failed are posted on the tribe's website but often delayed for months. A resoluion was passed to place the meetings on social media