The Cover Up is Worse than the Crime

The Tribal Board Members have yet to disclose all the facts about the Lansing Casino Project Court Action we uncovered in early February. While the Tribe lost their Appeal to open the Casino in Lansing months ago, we have yet to see this item on the Board Agenda or received a Press Release regarding this loss or the associated costs as a result of this loss. The Tribe appears to have spent thousands if not millions and are currently refusing to disclose to us how much money they spent, but more disturbing it appears a significant amount of that money did not belong to the Tribe, and they have no intention of paying that debt.

Our Timeline -

The Sault Tribe Guardian located the Ruling from the Appellate Court in an online search about our Tribe on a Blog called Turtle Talk on February 6, 2022.   

Reporters Timeline:

1. We have made an Article III request for Information as allowed by our Tribal Constitution on 3/9/22. 

2. As of 3/11/22 the Tribe has not informed their members regarding this ruling but has confirmed it is an accurate document.  The Tribal Council refuses to answer any questions.   

3. On 3/18/22 after a third request for information under Article III, they refuse to answer questions or acknowledge the amount of money spent for this Lansing Casino Project. Instead sent two certified letters trying to intimidate us into changing the name of our website while refusing to answer our Reasonable Request for information as allowed by our constitution.

4. Update as of 4/27/22. We are reaching out to all sides of this story. We ask that all Tribal Members 18 and Older send a Reasonable Request for Information to your Tribal Board Member as allowed by Article III of the By-Laws of the Constitution to request the Financial Statement accounting for all the expenses for the Lansing Casino Project including legal fees prior to you voting in the 2022 Election.

The apparent plan to get the Casinos out of debt is to allow Teens to gamble and open Smoking Rooms so Customers can smoke pot at our Casinos. We support legalized marijuana but allowing Teenagers to lose their money gambling is not the legacy our Children deserve. We don’t need the money that bad. This may be the time you ask yourself… Is it time for a NEW Chief Financial Officer for our Business Enterprises? 
