February 1, 2024.
Sault Tribe Board meets Feb. 6 in Sault Ste. Marie.
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. — The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting beginning 5 p.m. on Feb. 6 at the Kewadin Casino in Sault Ste. Marie, in person or via Zoom, https://zoom.us/j/83640619761.
“Membership Participation” will be held at 5 p.m. in person or by virtual attendance. The link is available Sault Tribe website under membership assistance for the meeting link and Membership Form that must be completed. The deadline to submit a form is 1 p.m. on meeting day. The link is https://zoom.us/j/83640619761. Those who have already registered for Zoom meetings need not register again unless they have a matter for the board.
To attend the scheduled workshop, except for closed session or items, go to https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84149623333. Those who have already registered to Zoom Board of Directors meetings need not register for workshops.
On the agenda under Resolutions is: Health Division-COVID Equipment FY24 Budget, Buildings-Internal R&M FY24 Budget Modification, Telecommunications, Sales, Telecom CapEx FY24 Budgets, FY24 Budget Document-Health Division, FY24 Budget Document 003, FY24 Governmental Capital Expenditures, Lease Modification-McKerchie / Rapson STHA-JKL-006 (11), Trust Land Lease-Blake Shields, Amending Acting and Interim Appointment Policy, Amending Chapter 20: Boat Length Requirements, Amending Chapter 71: Criminal Offenses, Re-Allocate/Rescind ARPA Resolutions for Revenue Replacement, Examining Compliance-Section 8(a) of Small Business Act, Amend Letter of Credit PNC/Limited Waiver of Immunity, Naming of USDA Food Distribution Building, Nomination-Tyler LaPlaunt to HHS Tribal Advisory Committee, Amendment to COVID-19 Fishery Participant Assistance Program, Voiding all Conversion Fishing Agreements and Eliminating Boat Length Requirements In Tribal Code Chapter 20, ARPA Fund Appropriation-Unit II Community Center and Revenue Replacement, and Transfer Lume Lease Money from STI to Sault Tribe Lending.
Under New Business, the board will consider: Committee Appointments/ Resignations, Election Commission-Bylaws, Election Commission-Hearing Procedures, Amend 2024 Board Calendar-New Location, Mobile Health Van, and Board Concerns.