Is a Class Action Lawsuit needed to protect the majority of Members from on-going abuse of power??

September 20, 2022.  Tribal Board Wrap-Up.   

More secrets the Board approved real estate purchases without stating what they are buying.

The Tribal Government and the CFO believe they can justify collecting funds from the US Government by counting all Tribal Members but only serving a small portion of the Tribe AGAIN.  As usual they are spending your money without telling you what they are spending it on until after they spend it.  

Expect they will pat themselves on the back after the fact.  

The Tribe is negotiating for the purchase of a business or other real-estate in Marquette using in part the funds that should have been paid to Tribal Members living outside the Seven-County Service Area during COVID. We say that because of the benefits paid during COVID only paid to Members living in the Seven-County Service Area was WRONG.  We believe in equal rights not blatant discrimination.  We believe that the Tribe should treat all our Tribal Members equally. That is our Mission. 

But in this case instead of serving the Entire Tribe those funds that should have been sent to Tribal Members living outside the Seven-County Service Area are being spent along with other financing to buy undisclosed real estate.

Is a Class Action Lawsuit needed to protect the majority of Tribal Members Rights?  

Ask yourself would folks living in the U.P. stand by while folks living in Lower Peninsula of Michigan received COVID Benefits that they did not receive?

Why are WE letting the Tribe get away with this on-going discrimination? The latest is the discrimination of the Youth Development Funds.  Today Jessica Dumback the person that committed to bringing funding request to fund for all our children seemed to forget that subject while the board patted her on the back for funding useless $1000. scholarships.  Fact is the $1000 scholarships most likely only benefit the Federal Government, because the majority of the time the $1000 is subtracted from the Pell Grants the student receives. It provides no added benefits to the student. Those scholarships would be better spent funding the Education Fund paid to our students following their semester not before which is why the fund was set up that way in the first place.
