January 7, 2023. Are you registered to vote in the Tribal Elections? If not open the link below to find out how to register to vote for the next election. To make sure your vote is counted for the Special Election mail your ballot this week.
Ballots are due by January 20, 2023 at 5pm.
Sault Tribe Election Registration Rules
Both referendums for this Special Election Ballot are missing the gossip about how we got here. Gossip of course is not fact, but helpful occasionally.
The Gossip:
It appears that those that are disappointed that DJ Hoffman was removed from office as Chairman believe he should still have the right to be our Chairman. They want to make sure the Board will have the power to appoint a Chairman or Unit Representative when an Elected Board Member's seat including the Chairman is vacated prior to the general election. These tribal members want you to vote to Disapprove Referendum 2022-228 therefore removing Austin Lowes as our Chairman and replacing him with DJ Hoffman. If you want your rights to vote to fill all Board Members Vacant Seats at all times you will vote to Approve Referendum 2022-228. If you want to give this power away to the Tribal Board vote to Disapprove. Voting to disapprove is a cost saving measure, which is the only upside to voting to disapprove we can find because we believe in Tribal Members Rights to elect their representatives at all times.
Special Elections including this one are expensive. The estimated cost is approximately $43,000 for each Special Election in which all Registered Voters are issued a ballot which is why we believe this vote should have been delayed until the next regular election and those sponsoring this Special Election should be required to pay all costs of this election. One of the referendums we believe should be on the next general election ballot is that all Special Elections for Referendums shall be placed on the General Election Ballot unless all costs are paid for by the Sponsor(s) of the Special Election Referendum.
We believe the costs for a Special Election to elect a Chairman or Board Member should be covered by the person that vacates the seat unless special circumstances such as a verified health matter or other family emergency results in the need to vacate the Board Seat. We believe those willing to run for office should not be required to pay the cost of their Special Election.
Referendum 2022-229. The Election Committee is in need of new Committee Members after many resigned over the disagreement about the need for a Special Election to replace our Chairman in 2022 is putting it mildly. Gossip put aside
The BIGGER PICTURE in this matter is do you want to protect the power and independence of the Election Committee or to give the power to the Board of Directors to regulate our elections? Do you want a separation of power?
If you vote to Approve on the Referendum 2022-229 Ballot you are giving the power to settle disputes that may arise in our election process to the Board of Directors.
If you wish to preserve the rights of the Election Committee you will vote to Disapprove on the Referendum 2022-229 Ballot.
All Attorneys are in place to advise us and do not have the final say on these matters if voting to approve or disapprove.
As it appears to us if you want to protect your right to vote to replace vacant board seats you will vote to Approve on the Referendum 2022-228 Ballot. To make sure there is a minimum amount of separation of power in our government you will vote to Disapprove when voting on the Referendum 2022-229 Ballot.
Put aside the gossip. Think of the next seven generations and our children.
Your Vote Matters.