May 5 Update,
Update on the story below. Create Harmony.
We have confirmed it is folks in Washington D.C. that seem to be totally clueless that May 5 is an inappropriate day for the "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Day of Awareness." More information is needed to arrive at how this date was choosen but the backlash is already happening based on the social media posts reviewed today from the re-posting of the President Biden's post on various tribal websites about the day of awareness creation they are taking credit for.
Clarification - Mexico is part of America and it is therefore a Celebration of a Native American Victory over the French Army.
Posted April 23, 2023: It appears the Tribal Nations or maybe just our Tribal Board lives in a bubble. While we support creating a budget to prevent future events along with creating the "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives' Day of Awareness" May 5 is not the day and we advocate for a date change. Cino de Mayo Wikipedia Page