August 30, 2022 Tribal Board Meeting Wrap-Up

August 31 2022.  

We believe that Tribal Members should have the right to view the recordings of the Tribal Board Meetings.  The strife regarding the appointment of DJ Hoffman as Tribal Chairman to replace Aaron Payment continues.

The Board approved a resolution to investigate DJ Hoffman and his family going as far back as 2006.   We will publish the link to the resolution when it is available.  

The Board passed a resolution regarding Special Elections without the input of the Election Committee and refused to let the Election Committee make a presentation to the Board because they were not on the Agenda.  The Board Members that wrote the resolution to approve a Special Election justified not asking the Election Committee for input by stating they are not required to do so because the Election Committee is nothing but Volunteers.  That statement is clueless as the day is long.  The Board of Directors work for those Volunteers not the other way around. These Tribal Members give of their time to benefit us, and I know we at the Sault Tribe Guardian greatly appreciate it. To have the Board not even bother to get their input is why every committee ran by Volunteers will probably continue to have vacancies.  It is disrespectful.  

We can't determine if passing those resolutions will result in a Special Election to replace Aaron Payment or if its just another round of posturing.  

It appeared that eight of the Board Members (Anti-DJ Coalition) are having meetings that may or may not be recorded working separately to write the resolutions passed at this meeting without the opposing four Board Members (Pro-DJ Coalition) being invited to participate.   Pro or Con DJ this is not the way to serve the Tribe in a professional manner.  

Meeting Description in one word: Dysfunctional. 
